Category Archives: Regulations

Zurich Set to Get Stoned in Switzerland Cannabis Trials

The news came out a few days ago. Not an official go-ahead to begin, but a final approval for the much-anticipated Switzerland recreational cannabis trials; the trials that will help determine recreational cannabis policy for an upcoming weed market in the country. The trials are still yet to begin, but more information is now available […]

Denmark Pilot Program & If the Government Interferes

Bad news and quick moves were the order of this week, and how it all works out remains to be seen. What is for sure, is that cannabis companies are having a hard time. Canadian cannabis giant Aurora Cannabis is a great example of current issues, with a recent warning by Dasdaq due to low […]

Australia Medical Cannabis Industry Pales Compared to Black Market

The information I’m about to go over comes from a study. The study in question, (and articles surrounding it), pay more attention to the rise in medical consumers; and that’s a good story in and of itself. But perhaps the bigger issue when looking at Australia and it’s medical cannabis industry, is that despite growth, […]

Recreational Cannabis Is Now Legal in Antarctica

Cannabis regulation is changing all over the world, with a general lean toward a more liberal approach. Uruguay was the first country to legalize, followed by Canada, some US states, Georgia, Malta, Switzerland and Germany; though actual policies have not been released in the EU countries. And now joining in, is the entire continent of […]

Amanita Mushroom Tinctures – Cannadelics Sunday Edition

Welcome to our weekly newsletter, The Cannadelics Sunday Edition, going out every Sunday morning at 11am est with the main headlines of the week. This week we look into Amanita Mushroom Tinctures, Psilocybin Cup, Cannabis DUI and more trending stories from the world of Cannabis and Psychedelics. If you happen to like Amanita Muscaria mushrooms, we […]

Why Laws Only Apply to Poor People

When talking about access to justice, one question we should consider is who really has access. Legally, access to justice and fair representation should be afforded to all; but in reality, access is largely dependent on resources and education. Access to practically anything in this world, legal resources included, is based on a person’s finances, […]