Category Archives: cannabis

1kg of Cannabis Will Get You Hung in Singapore

Regardless of how crazy it is, there are still plenty of places that will kill you for cannabis crimes in 2023. And this despite cannabis not being a death-toll drug. In the most recent story of this kind, the Singapore government recently hung two men for what it considered trafficking cannabis. Read on for details. […]

Nebraska Might Catch Up with Medical Cannabis Ballot

The conversations regarding cannabis and the US, are usually about which state is about to pass a recreational measure, or where the federal government is with legalization. But for a few choice states, there is still no cannabis allowance at all. Like Nebraska, which is only now getting its stuff together for a medical cannabis […]

Overtaxed: How the Federal Government Taxes Cannabis

It’s a subject that comes up a lot, yet with little done to show the powers-that-be understand, or are willing to make useful changes. According to Whitney Economics, the already overtaxed cannabis industry paid an additional $1.8 billion in unnecessary taxes in 2022 alone. And to the federal government, no less. Why is this happening? […]

Is Marijuana Harmful?

Marijuana is recreationally legal in 23 states, medically in 40. Roughly 88% of Americans believe it should be fully legal in some form.  Respected universities like the University of Alabama, Cornell, the University of Mississippi and more are doing research as scientists continue to discover benefits and downsides of cannabis. People still ask, is marijuana […]

Drug Test To Get Work? Private No, Government Yes

We are at record low unemployment and help wanted ads are everywhere from the CIA to the local bodega.  Employers are talking about how to do the same (or more) with less people.  And with it, norms have changed when it comes to hiring. The percentage of jobs requiring pre-employment drug tests is now lower […]

3 Signs We’re Living in the Darkest Timeline – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana

Five myths about a state-run cannabis industry. Because the debate between having a state-run vs. privately-owned cannabis industry is riddled with fallacies. State-owned vs. privately-owned cannabis companies. What’s the difference? Is one more advantageous than the other? Are state-run (or government-owned) farms and stores more concerned for the public than those pesky “for-profit” dispensaries? Let’s […]

Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

It is the time of year from vacations, boating, garden and all sorts of fun – but some will have summer tummy and suffer from nausea and more.  Nothing is worse being sick in during the warm “outdoor” months and missing out from all the excitement. Summer triggers of nausea include dehydration, fatty and spicy […]

Outdoor Grows Will Uproot The Cannabis Industry

Amazon, JP Morgan, and others companies are insisting you come back to the office.  Your neighbors are throwing a backyard bbq and have invited everyone, Aunt Mary Martha is having all the family over for Sunday lunch – everyone is getting back together and you just want to chill.  Here are some tips to manage […]

Nauseous? Marijuana Might Provide Immediate Relief

Five myths about a state-run cannabis industry. Because the debate between having a state-run vs. privately-owned cannabis industry is riddled with fallacies. State-owned vs. privately-owned cannabis companies. What’s the difference? Is one more advantageous than the other? Are state-run (or government-owned) farms and stores more concerned for the public than those pesky “for-profit” dispensaries? Let’s […]

F1 Racing And Marijuana – The Fresh Toast

F1 Racing is a thrilling, by the second event with superstars like Lewis Hamilton, Michèle Mouton, Alain Prost and more. The global audience for Formula One in 2021 stood at 445 million viewers. From Oklahoma City to Monaco, fans rise early and are glued to the screens to watch the races.  But what about drivers […]