Category Archives: Insights

Cost-Cutting in Cannabis Industry, and What It Means for You

The legal weed industry is going down. Or if not actually down, it’s certainly not reaching its projected highs. And there are good reasons. Beyond the ability to grow the plant at home, the black market has always existed, and always been able to offer cheaper prices. People don’t like paying higher prices than they […]

UK to Push Vaping: Wants Smokers to Switch

While the US continues to go after Juul for providing a non-smoking way to get nicotine, the UK is a huge step ahead. After an independent advisory put out a report last year which confirmed that vaping is a much healthier option than smoking, the government of the UK is now instituting measures to get […]

What (Realistically) Happens to The Industry When Cannabis Prices Drop?

What started as a massive tax-grab by governments, is now a scramble by operators to stay in business. As the higher-than-necessary prices that were first instituted, fall due to overproduction and competition, the industry is worried. But should it be? Is it really that bad if cannabis prices drop? Problems in the cannabis industry It’s […]

Ketamine Industry Shows Expensive Treatments Unsustainable

The legal weed industry is going down. Or if not actually down, it’s certainly not reaching its projected highs. And there are good reasons. Beyond the ability to grow the plant at home, the black market has always existed, and always been able to offer cheaper prices. People don’t like paying higher prices than they […]

The Growth of the Black Market by the Existence of the Legal Market

The cannabis black market was always there, and always big. But it has seemed to surge in recent years; offering way more options than it did before. How did this happen amid legal markets opening? Maybe simply, because they did. It seems the growth of the black market is due to the legal market. What […]

UN’s INCB Criticizes Cannabis Reform; Using Fear-Tactic Lines

In a great showing of not getting with the program, being behind the times, and not paying attention to reality; the UN’s INCB just criticized global cannabis reform efforts…saying they lead to higher use, and increased health issues. Where did the INCB get that? And why is one of our main global drug regulatory agencies, […]

Female Viagra Here via Vella Bioscience

We already know that older guys sometimes pop a little pill when about to participate in sex play; as many can’t get the job done on their own anymore. It’s practically a joke in society. Now, the ladies are getting in on it too, with Vella Bioscience, and its newly patented female Viagra. What’s Viagra, […]

Will Germany Bow to EU and Scale Back Legalization?

Germany was super excited when it announced plans for a recreational cannabis legalization last May. Since that time, problems surfaced concerning EU regulation, and whether Germany would face obstacles in that direction. While some in the country want to push through, it seems Germany is likely to bow to EU pressure; and greatly scale back […]

Amanita Citrina: The Psychedelic Amanita Mushroom

The Amanita mushroom genus spans a large distance, and includes tons of different options. There’s the super deadly Amanita phalloides, the edible Amanita fulva, and the hallucinogenic Amanita muscaria. And apparently, the psychedelic Amanita citrina. What is this last one? And how does this psychedelic mushroom, differ from the standard? Psychedelic vs muscimol mushrooms Up […]

Canada Marijuana Industry Decline, And Recovery Considerations

I’ve been writing on the issues that plague today’s cannabis industry for awhile; from lay-offs to insanely strict regulation, to a lessening of sales. Recent news of a sales decline from the Great White North, shines light on problems within the marijuana industry of Canada; and how the governance of that country is trying to […]