Category Archives: Industry

UK to Push Vaping: Wants Smokers to Switch

While the US continues to go after Juul for providing a non-smoking way to get nicotine, the UK is a huge step ahead. After an independent advisory put out a report last year which confirmed that vaping is a much healthier option than smoking, the government of the UK is now instituting measures to get […]

What (Realistically) Happens to The Industry When Cannabis Prices Drop?

What started as a massive tax-grab by governments, is now a scramble by operators to stay in business. As the higher-than-necessary prices that were first instituted, fall due to overproduction and competition, the industry is worried. But should it be? Is it really that bad if cannabis prices drop? Problems in the cannabis industry It’s […]

Ketamine Industry Shows Expensive Treatments Unsustainable

The legal weed industry is going down. Or if not actually down, it’s certainly not reaching its projected highs. And there are good reasons. Beyond the ability to grow the plant at home, the black market has always existed, and always been able to offer cheaper prices. People don’t like paying higher prices than they […]

Curaleaf Backed Out of West Coast Markets, Almost Kicked Out of NJ 

Florida has one of the biggest cannabis markets, and its all medical. Despite different past efforts, recreational cannabis is still illegal throughout the state. In order to push things along, a new initiative is gearing up for a recreational ballot measure in Florida, with signature collection now to do this. How close is Florida, and […]

5 Best Ways to Celebrate 420

The time is upon us once again. The day for spreading cannabis-themed love around the world and toking or vaping on some tasty strains. As the 20th of April approaches each year, weed enthusiasts around the world gear up to celebrate their favourite plant. Known colloquially as “420”, this unofficial holiday has been celebrated since […]

Texas Looking to Make Cannabis An Opioid Alternative

The opioid problem isn’t getting any smaller, and thus far, no tactics employed, are helping things out. If a new Texas bill goes through, it will officially make cannabis an opioid alternative in the state; giving a much needed replacement to these death-causing drugs. Will it pass, and what else would this new bill change? […]

Has Cannabis Become Boring? – Cannadelics

There once was a time when weed was rebellious and dangerous. The summer of love and counterculture movement ensured that cannabis was the drug of choice for young people across America, and beyond. But thanks to legalization, the nonconformity of stoner culture is melting away into a trendy, commercialized, and predictable, multi-billion-dollar industry.   Weed […]

Florida Nearly Done Collecting Signatures for Recreational Ballot

Florida has one of the biggest cannabis markets, and its all medical. Despite different past efforts, recreational cannabis is still illegal throughout the state. In order to push things along, a new initiative is gearing up for a recreational ballot measure in Florida, with signature collection now to do this. How close is Florida, and […]

UN’s INCB Criticizes Cannabis Reform; Using Fear-Tactic Lines

In a great showing of not getting with the program, being behind the times, and not paying attention to reality; the UN’s INCB just criticized global cannabis reform efforts…saying they lead to higher use, and increased health issues. Where did the INCB get that? And why is one of our main global drug regulatory agencies, […]

What Are Cannabis Farmers’ Markets?

I’ve been writing on the issues that plague today’s cannabis industry for awhile; from lay-offs to insanely strict regulation, to a lessening of sales. Recent news of a sales decline from the Great White North, shines light on problems within the marijuana industry of Canada; and how the governance of that country is trying to […]