Category Archives: cannabis

Is the Cannabis Recession Here? – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana

In a great showing of not getting with the program, being behind the times, and not paying attention to reality; the UN’s INCB just criticized global cannabis reform efforts…saying they lead to higher use, and increased health issues. Where did the INCB get that? And why is one of our main global drug regulatory agencies, […]

UN’s INCB Criticizes Cannabis Reform; Using Fear-Tactic Lines

In a great showing of not getting with the program, being behind the times, and not paying attention to reality; the UN’s INCB just criticized global cannabis reform efforts…saying they lead to higher use, and increased health issues. Where did the INCB get that? And why is one of our main global drug regulatory agencies, […]

Amanita Cannabis Products for $4.20 Each

Are you seeking a legal, easy-to-use, and accessible method to enjoy the benefits of spiritual and psychedelic substances? Look no further than this year’s 4/20 sale of Amanita cannabis products, available at an amazing price of only $4.20 each. This innovative collection blends Amanita Muscaria extract, an entirely legal magic mushroom, with a variety of […]

Germany Bows to E.U. Pressure – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana

If one were to create an anti-monopoly cannabis toolkit, what would it look like? Fortunately, we don’t have to speculate. Parabola Center, a nonprofit think tank, has produced an anti-monopoly cannabis toolkit for us. Of course, “woman of color” comprise this so-called “nonpartisan” group who want to put “prioritize people over profits.”  So you can […]

Female Viagra Here via Vella Bioscience

We already know that older guys sometimes pop a little pill when about to participate in sex play; as many can’t get the job done on their own anymore. It’s practically a joke in society. Now, the ladies are getting in on it too, with Vella Bioscience, and its newly patented female Viagra. What’s Viagra, […]

Will Germany Bow to EU and Scale Back Legalization?

Germany was super excited when it announced plans for a recreational cannabis legalization last May. Since that time, problems surfaced concerning EU regulation, and whether Germany would face obstacles in that direction. While some in the country want to push through, it seems Germany is likely to bow to EU pressure; and greatly scale back […]

Another Win for Cannabis Gun Rights – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana

The New York Times is asking: are you addicted to weed? And if you were, would you even know? That’s what the “paper of record,” is asking, with the warning that nearly six percent of American teens and adults have “cannabis use disorder.” Many used to highly regard the New York Times due to its […]

2500mg THCA Diamonds: A High-Potency Concentrate

For cannabis connoisseurs seeking novel and powerful experiences, 2500mg THCA Diamonds offer an intriguing and potent cannabis concentrate. With a high THCA content, these diamonds provide users with a unique and intense high. Currently, as part of our Deal Of The Day offers, you can get this innovative product with an additional 25% discount. In […]

NYTimes: Are You Addicted to Weed? – Cannabis | Weed | Marijuana

Amanita mushrooms are becoming the new name in drugs, for naturally helping people with sleep and anxiety. But do they cause the same issues as the main pharma drugs known for this, benzodiazepines? And if not, can the muscimol from Amanita mushrooms not only replace use of benzodiazepines, but help those with benzo addiction, to […]

Canada Marijuana Industry Decline, And Recovery Considerations

I’ve been writing on the issues that plague today’s cannabis industry for awhile; from lay-offs to insanely strict regulation, to a lessening of sales. Recent news of a sales decline from the Great White North, shines light on problems within the marijuana industry of Canada; and how the governance of that country is trying to […]