Category Archives: cannabis science

Nanoemulsion Tech is Changing the Cannabis Experience

The pharmaceutical industry knows quite well that key ingredients and medications are a waste if the body can’t absorb them. Likewise, manufacturers of cannabis or THC products should seriously consider why they are taking the time, effort, and money to make a great edible or drinkable product if the key ingredient is in a format […]

Correlation With Cannabis Use and Lower Blood Pressure

A French researcher has concluded that both current and lifetime cannabis use are associated with lower blood pressure levels after assessing the relationship between cannabis use and blood pressure among a population-based cohort of over 91,000 subjects. The research findings were recently published in the journal Nature: Scientific Reports. The investigator reported: “In adjusted covariates models, […]

THC-Dominant Extracts Reduce Alzheimer’s-Induced Agitation

The cannabis plant may be able to help reduce Alzheimer’s-induced agitation according to a new study out of Italy. As of 2012, researchers estimated that as many as 24 million people globally were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and that the number of people diagnosed with the condition would double every 20 years for the foreseeable future. “Alzheimer […]